Our Team at Wisner Baum
Championing Our Clients’ Wrongful Death and Personal Injury Claims for Nearly 40 Years
While representing thousands of commercial transportation and pharmaceutical drug cases across the United States and worldwide, our attorneys developed a reputation for breaking new ground, holding Fortune 500 companies accountable, influencing public policy, raising public awareness and improving product safety. The search for an attorney that you can trust, who can serve your needs and with whom you feel comfortable can be a difficult task. Some of our clients chose us above 30 other law firms that they had interviewed. We hope you choose us to solve the legal problem that brought you to this site.
R. Brent Wisner Attorney, Managing Partner
Michael L. Baum Attorney, Senior Partner
Bijan Esfandiari Attorney, Senior Partner
Timothy A. Loranger Attorney, Senior Partner, Pilot, Marine Corps Veteran
Monique Alarcon Attorney, Partner
W. Crawford Appleby IV Attorney, Senior Associate
Pedram Esfandiary Attorney, Partner
Adam M. Foster Attorney, Associate
Ari S. Friedman Attorney, Partner
Harrison E. James Attorney, Associate
Conor Kennedy Attorney, Associate
Elizabeth Loranger Attorney, Associate
Richard F. Malloy Attorney, Associate
Mayra Maturana Attorney, Associate
Hannah Quicksell Attorney, Associate
Clay Robbins III Attorney, Partner
Stephanie B. Sherman Attorney, Partner
Helen E. Tokar Attorney, Senior Associate
Frances M. Phares Attorney of Counsel
Mark H. Schlein Attorney of Counsel